In family relations, the bad schoolwork of your kid can be a cry for help. If a family request for help is ignored, the school may be left with refractory educational problems, and an angry child, which may continue to fail, until someone finally gets the message. In most cases, when children are not in school, some forms of family therapy is warranted.
The goal of family therapy is to change the structures and processes in the family or the environment, in order to ease the strains. Family diagnosis based on the theory of living systems to determine whether the pathology in the family lies as a whole, in one or more individual members or in a suprasystein, such as the economically disadvantaged neighbourhood, city or school with limited resources.
The range of activities available for families is important. Physical Health, mental health, social services, pastoral care, and education all deal with family problems. Marriage counseling just focuses on one aspect of the family and the family services agency have to handle all aspects of the family.